Smarter. Better.
More Advanced.

Welcome to the next generation in cyber security

Arc4dia Logo

Cyber crime is an ongoing battle
We’re taking the fight to a whole new level

Meet SNOW — the world’s most powerful defence against advanced security breaches



Enhanced detection technology that identifies and exposes all levels of cyber threats



Proactive monitoring and analysis 24/7 to track and prevent potential attacks across every endpoint



Real time incident response by expert reverse engineers, to stop breaches at the first point of contact

Our Clients

Protecting our clients at every level is what we do, and often that comes with keeping their identity confidential. While you won’t see a list of names or logos here, you will get insight from various industry sectors on what it’s like to work with us.

IS Director

Global Network Provider

SNOW is the only reason I can sleep at night.

CERT Director

Major EU Intelligence Agency

ARC4DIA is the best and 100% trustable for solving your APT problems.

Chief Cyber Security Officer

Fortune 500 Insurance Company

ARC4DIA’s ability to detect and manage threats is a function of its breadth of vision of the network it is trying to protect.


Why choose SNOW?

Enhanced Capabilities. Unrivalled Reach & Scope.

SNOW is today’s most intelligent & comprehensive endpoint security solution


SNOW is hidden from view to avoid detection from intruders on a network


SNOW integrates with existing frontline networks to protect all endpoints


SNOW is a hostbased endpoint detection/response sensor that can be used across multiple platforms


SNOW effectively manages anomalies to identify the early indicators of compromise, staying one step ahead at all times.




All SNOW supported platforms are centrally monitored via one command system so we can keep an eye on all endpoints at one time

SNOW operates on multiple platforms






What Our Current Partners Have To Say About Us

Santiago Crespo Guillén, Managing Director

Outstanding knowledge and technology. Arc4dia takes it to the next level and are a pleasure to work with.

Shaun Covell, President

Arc4dia has a unique and novel technology coupled with years of experience that none can match. Their team are examplars of cyber investigation and defence. SNOW provides surgical insight into indicators of compromise and allows rapid identification of the incident

John Phillips, Cofounder

Within the increasingly complex information environments we operate in, the ability to detect and identify adversaries within the resident noise of the environment is difficult, SNOW provides Loki Labs with rapid insight at the point of compromise to quickly identify patient zero within an infection at a micro level and rapidly gain situational understanding of the scope and scale of an infection through macro level analysis. In addition, we have the ability to perform and execute response actions through the SNOW interface allowing for frictionless threat detection and response. Across current endpoint detection response suites SNOW is a best of breed solution for end-to-end threat characterization and remediation


Cyber Security — it’s in our DNA

As ex members of the intelligence community, we have a unique understanding of what is needed to defend and protect enterprises against all types of cyber attacks. When the world’s most sophisticated hackers come for your information, you’re going to want us on your side.

See for yourself how our cyber defense system consistently outperforms the rest.


Featured Industry Highlights

Whatever Conflicts May Come

case studies

Things That Can Be Hacked Part IV


Things That Can Be Hacked Part III


Things That Can Be Hacked Part II
